Reconfigured Aircraft Power System 270V -28V d.c.

Project implemented as a part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 action 1.1./sub-action 1.1.1.

Project duration:  1st of February 2021 – 31st of December 2023

Project goal: development of a Reconfigured Aircraft Power System 270V d.c.- 28V d.c., which will introduce an innovative solution in the area of Ground Power Units.

Key features of the system:

  • possibility of power supply from three a.c. voltage standards, i.e. 400V / 50Hz, 480V / 60Hz, 200V / 400Hz (reconfigurability);
  • ability to handle greater amount of aircraft (universality).

The consortium:

  • WCBKT S.A. – Central Military Bureau of Desing and Technology – leader

Total project value: 9 544 224.51
Eligible cost: 9 544 224.51
Subsidy amount: 7 026 709.47
Including the budget of WCBKT S.A. – 2 847 223.98


System supporting the work of employees doing the assembly, service technicians and operators of aircraft ground handling equipment (NOSP), based on augmented reality technology

Project implemented as a part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 action 1.1./sub-action 1.1.1.

Project duration:  1st of June 2021 – 30st of November 2023

The aim of the project is to develop a solution based on augmented reality technology that will improve work efficiency by reducing the duration of assembly, maintenance and service of the aircraft ground handling equipment (NOSP) processes, as well as reduce the duration of the training module of employees performing assembly, service technicians and equipment operators.


  • WCBKT S.A. – Central Military Bureau of Design and Technology – leader
  • SIM FACTOR Sp. z o.o. -partner

Total project value: 7 014 835,00 zł.
Co-funding value: 3 806 369,26 zł.
Co-funding granted to WCBKT S.A.:  1 278 965,50 zł.